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Taking Care of Your Sexual Health

Most of the time, taking care of your sexual health comes down to commonsense decisions that need to be made during every sexual encounter. Using protection and contraception (and doing so properly) is essential, but unfortunately there are many misconceptions about which protection protects against what and how contraception really works. Your PGOMG provider is

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10 Tips to Help Women Have a Healthy Summer

Self-care during the summer is just as important as during the cooler months. A lot of self-care simply involves being aware of what your body is telling you it needs and being proactive when it comes to changes or symptoms. It’s easy to dismiss the latter, and even easier to hope an issue will go

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Five New Year’s Resolutions Your Gynecologist Will Love

The time for New Year’s resolutions is almost upon us. For those looking to improve their well-being in 2017, PGOMG has a list of five resolutions you can make to address your gynecological health. Schedule an annual well woman exam. Annual exams, also known as well woman exams, provide an annual opportunity for you to

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Are STDs Cases on the Rise in California?

The need for proper protection during sexual intercourse is always present, and now it’s clear that the call to practice safe sex may have gone unheeded by some in California. Not only are STDs rates in California rising higher than the national average, they are also the highest they’ve been in the past 25 years,

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Seven Signs That You Might Have an STD

April is National STD Awareness Month, a perfect time for the medical specialists at PGOMG to educate the public on symptoms that may be caused by sexually transmitted disease (STD), as well as when it’s necessary to get screened. When should you suspect that your symptoms are related to an STD?  There are seven major

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How to Talk to Your Teenager about STDs

The Facts about Teenagers and STDs Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are particularly present in teenagers. Of the roughly 20 million new STD cases that arise each year, about 10 million are diagnosed in individuals in the 15-24 age range. There are actually a few reasons why STDs are so routinely seen in teens and young

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Fertility for Your Future: Fertility Care in Your 20’s and Early 30’s

For women who are not yet ready to build a family, thinking about and taking care of your fertility are probably not top priority. When you’re in your 20’s and early 30’s, it’s easy to assume that when you want to get pregnant, you’ll be able to do so without issue. In fact, many women

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April is STD Awareness Month: How to Get Tested

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are an area of personal healthcare many people avoid thinking about or discussing, and procrastinate when it comes to testing. Many women, as well as men, are reluctant to seek proper STD testing over the course of their lives, even in cases when risk of STD exposure is clearly possible or

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3 Key Facts You Need To Know About STDs

Knowing how to protect against STDs is an incredibly important part of your overall sexual health. Statistically, one in two individuals who are sexually active will contract an STD by the time they’re twenty-five. Many of these individuals make conscious choices when it comes to using birth control methods effectively to prevent pregnancy, but they

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