Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are an area of personal healthcare many people avoid thinking about or discussing, and procrastinate when it comes to testing. Many women, as well as men, are reluctant to seek proper STD testing over the course of their lives, even in cases when risk of STD exposure is clearly possible or probable.

This is incredibly unfortunate, especially when considering that many common STDs can be treated or even cured with proper care and medication.

Because it is best to treat most STDs as soon as possible after discovery, it is essential for those who engage in unprotected sex or believe they may have been exposed to an STD contact PGOMG for testing and treatment.

STD Testing at PGOMG

Your privacy is our top priority – we take it very seriously and work hard to ensure it is protected at all times. If you visit our office for STD testing, you can expect the following:

  • A visual exam
  • Blood tests
  • Cultures

Not every STD testing experience is the same. The need for certain tests will depend not only on your exposure, but whether you are able to identify the specific STD to which you believe you were exposed.

Our providers are highly experienced and trained to provide a non-judgmental environment where patients are comfortable expressing their concerns and discussing their sexual health. We encourage patients to ask any questions they may have about STD testing and treatment and hope to spread awareness about good habits for lifelong sexual health.

STD facts to remember

  • You can only avoid an STD if you do not engage in vaginal, anal or oral sex. However, you can help protect yourself and your partner with proper use of a condom.
  • STD testing is not a feature of an annual well woman exam at PGOMG. Patients who wish to be tested for an STD must request this specific test.
  • STDs can affect all people, no matter the age, gender, race, ethnicity or sexual preference.
  • Many STD symptoms are not visible and might not appear for months or years after exposure – this is why regular STD testing is an essential area of quality sexual healthcare.
  • Contraceptives like the pill or IUD do not prevent the spread of STDs, they work to prevent pregnancy.
  • Teenagers and those in their 20’s hold the highest risk for STD exposure. One out of every four  teenagers contracts an STD each year.