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STI Awareness: What Patients Should Know

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a prevalent yet often stigmatized health issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Despite advances in modern medicine, misconceptions and misinformation surrounding STIs persist, contributing to the continued spread of these infections. To empower individuals with the knowledge needed to protect their sexual health, we hope to address STI risk

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Who’s Responsible for Contraception and STD Prevention?

As a woman, safe, responsible sexual activity starts with taking control of STD and pregnancy prevention. Honest discussions about sexual responsibility are incredibly important, but relying on a new or ongoing partner to be in charge of contraception and protection may mean putting yourself at risk. When it comes to sex and relationships, the instinct

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Are STDs Cases on the Rise in California?

The need for proper protection during sexual intercourse is always present, and now it’s clear that the call to practice safe sex may have gone unheeded by some in California. Not only are STDs rates in California rising higher than the national average, they are also the highest they’ve been in the past 25 years,

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How to Talk to Your Teenager about STDs

The Facts about Teenagers and STDs Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are particularly present in teenagers. Of the roughly 20 million new STD cases that arise each year, about 10 million are diagnosed in individuals in the 15-24 age range. There are actually a few reasons why STDs are so routinely seen in teens and young

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April is STD Awareness Month: How to Get Tested

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are an area of personal healthcare many people avoid thinking about or discussing, and procrastinate when it comes to testing. Many women, as well as men, are reluctant to seek proper STD testing over the course of their lives, even in cases when risk of STD exposure is clearly possible or

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3 Important Questions to Ask During Your Annual Well Woman Exam

An annual well woman exam with PGOMG should be an essential part of a woman’s overall health regimen each year. Annual exams are often the only opportunity your gynecologist has to check your gynecological, sexual and reproductive health. Many patients put off scheduling an annual well woman exam, reasoning that the visit may be awkward

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Top Women’s Health Questions: Part I

At PGOMG, we believe that it’s important for women to be educated and fully in control of their health. In order to assist in these matters, we have comprised a blog post series which will aim to address some of the top questions women have about their healthcare today – below is part one of

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3 Key Facts You Need To Know About STDs

Knowing how to protect against STDs is an incredibly important part of your overall sexual health. Statistically, one in two individuals who are sexually active will contract an STD by the time they’re twenty-five. Many of these individuals make conscious choices when it comes to using birth control methods effectively to prevent pregnancy, but they

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