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General Health

Five Women’s Healthcare Goals to Set for the New Year

Holistic women’s healthcare has a lot of moving parts — including everyday activities like eating, sleeping and brushing your teeth, as well as sporadic preventative care like mammograms and hysteroscopy. Here are five easy-to-achieve goals to set for the new year when it comes to your health and wellness. Schedule your annual exam. Don’t let

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10 Tips to Help Women Have a Healthy Summer

Self-care during the summer is just as important as during the cooler months. A lot of self-care simply involves being aware of what your body is telling you it needs and being proactive when it comes to changes or symptoms. It’s easy to dismiss the latter, and even easier to hope an issue will go

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The Postpartum Depression Symptoms to Look Out For

Postpartum depression is a serious condition which can develop anywhere from a few days to six months after a woman gives birth. Postpartum depression’s symptoms should not be ignored, even if you are unsure if you or your partner’s symptoms are severe enough to seek medical attention. Women can expect certain changes post-childbirth, but when

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Seven Things Women Can to Do Improve Their Health Starting Today

Although maintaining a healthy diet and moderate exercise is always recommended, not every effort to improve your health needs to involve a new gym membership or nutrition overhaul. Sometimes, improvements to our health take a back seat because the changes seem daunting and we give up before starting. The words “lifestyle change” can apply to

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Are STDs Cases on the Rise in California?

The need for proper protection during sexual intercourse is always present, and now it’s clear that the call to practice safe sex may have gone unheeded by some in California. Not only are STDs rates in California rising higher than the national average, they are also the highest they’ve been in the past 25 years,

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PGOMG Honors National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every October, the staff at PGOMG comes together to raise awareness for breast cancer by educating our patients about prevention, early detection, and risk factors. Am I at risk for breast cancer? Risk factors for illness are not set in stone. Many women who may meet certain breast cancer risk factors will never develop the

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Can My Gynecologist Be My Primary Care Provider?

For many women, visiting with one physician for any and all health concerns is appealing.  On the one hand, having one primary care provider for checkups and exams is convenient because it means one doctor’s office, one set of forms, and one insurance confirmation. On the other hand, even if they offer a long list

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Should I Be Worried About the Zika Virus?

Developments about the Zika virus have made headline after headline since early 2016, leading many Americans, especially pregnant women, to wonder if they should be worried about the virus and if it will affect their summer travel plans. These are all legitimate concerns. The CDC maintains a thorough up-to-date guide to help stop the spread

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Gardasil Is Working: How the HPV Vaccine Is Making an Impact in the U.S.

The rate of HPV (human papilloma virus) in American female teenagers has dropped more than 60 percent since Gardasil was introduced in 2006, according to a recent study in the journal Pediatrics. In the last decade, the HPV vaccine has made a measurable impact on young women’s health, particularly to those aged 14 to 19

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How Does the Zika Virus Affect Pregnancy?

What is the Zika virus? The Zika virus is most commonly transmitted through mosquitoes. Its symptoms typically include a mild fever, muscle and/or joint pain, skin rash, and inflammation of the eyes called conjunctivitis. There is currently no known treatment or vaccine for the Zika virus, but due to its increasingly widespread outbreak in South

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