1. Nausea/Morning sickness

Morning sickness is a common expression used to describe the nausea and vomiting that some women may experience in the first trimester of their pregnancy. It can occur at any time during the day. This nausea is due to hormonal changes within a women’s body as it adjusts to pregnancy.

What helps: Eat several small meals a day and increase  your protein intake. Don’t lie down immediately after meals. Drink weak teas/water often to hydrate, and avoid the smell of strong food if possible. Vitamin B6 can help.

When to talk to PGOMG: If the nausea /vomiting are constant and severe or if you cannot keep  your fluids down.


2. Fatigue

During the first trimester, women can feel tired even after a good night’s sleep. This fatigue usually improves in the second trimester. Unfortunately, it’s common for women to experience high levels of fatigue again once they reach the third trimester.

What helps: Take naps if needed, and be patient as your body adjusts.


3. Swelling

Throughout the course of a pregnancy, women may experience some mild swelling in their face, necks, hands, and ankles. As their due date approaches, this swelling can increase. Small amounts of swelling is normal, as women retain fluid more while pregnant. Severe swelling in the third trimester can be a sign of pregnancy induced hypertension.

What helps: Stay hydrated with plenty of water (drinking less water does not mean you will retain less), decrease your intake of salty food and caffeine, and keep your feet elevated when sitting.

When to talk to PGOMG: When the swelling is rapid and noticeably significant, or if you have a headache.


4. Heartburn/Indigestion

Hormones caused by pregnancy can slow down a women’s digestive tract. The result may often cause heartburn, indigestion, constipation and bloating. Women tend to experience these side effects most in their third trimester of pregnancy.

What helps: Eat slowly/drink plenty of fluid, avoid greasy, fried, citrus and spicy foods. Try not to eat/drink in the hours leading up to your bed time, and avoid lying down after meals.

When to talk to PGOMG: If these symptoms do not improve after trying the suggestions above.


5. Dizziness

Pregnancy causes a lot of changes in a women’s body and some of these changes can lead to low blood pressure. Because your body is concentrating on supplying your growing baby with everything it needs, ¼ of your blood supply goes to your uterus and your blood volume doubles. Getting up quickly can cause a drop in blood pressure.  Low sugar levels can also contribute to dizziness.

What helps: Avoid standing for long periods of time, get up slowly after sitting/laying down, eat regularly/stay hydrated, avoid getting overheated by hot showers or baths.

When to talk to PGOMG: If dizziness is combined with vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain you need to contact medical care immediately. If feelings of dizziness are persistent and symptoms are not relived after following the suggestions above, you should contact PGOMG.