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Avoid the Winter Blues: 5 Tips to Stay Healthy

The winter season can be tough. Colder temperatures and darker days can easily affect your health and your mood, especially if you don’t take extra precautions. Regardless of how much the temperature drops in your area, how much snow you see, or how early the sun goes down, we can all be affected by the

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How to Fix Your Stress Triggers

Stress is a part of everyday life for most of us. Whether it’s small moments of worry when you’re stuck in traffic or something bigger like moving or changing jobs, stress can come and go in a myriad of ways. Some are able to shake off their stress or handle it head on. Others, regardless

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How to (Finally) Get Enough Sleep

It’s an exceedingly common problem: the consistent inability to get a full night’s sleep. Of course, everyone has plenty of reasons for not getting enough sleep night after night – a demanding career, the desire to enjoy your personal life after work, children, and a never-ending to-do list are some of the top reasons why

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3 Things That Can Lower A Woman’s Ability to Fight Off an Infection

Regardless of the temperature around the country, it’s still winter, and that means that we are all still stuck in the middle of cold and flu season. According to the CDC, the flu season usually hits its peak in the U.S. in January and February, but widespread flu activity can occur as late as May. 

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