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Pacific Gynecology & Obstetrics Medical Blog

5 Pregnancy Experiences You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

We’ve all heard of the most common pregnancy symptoms – nausea, vomiting, heartburn, back pain, fatigue, etc. However, the full range of pregnancy symptoms would surprise most people. Pregnancy can be a very different experience from one woman to another. What one woman can find difficult and potentially damaging to her quality of life, another

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What Happens If I Skip My Annual Exam?

Once a year, it is highly recommended that women attend an annual exam with their gynecologist. Of course, spending time at a doctor’s office might not be your favorite to-do list item, but there is a reason why medical professionals deem it necessary. Annual exams, or annual well-woman exams, are used as preventative care. They

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The Importance of Mental Health in Female Wellness

Any conversation on wellness that does not include mental wellness is incomplete. Mental health impacts our relationships with ourselves & others, our physical health, and our ability to manage day-to-day responsibilities. In other words, without a healthy mind, many aspects of life can become extremely difficult to sustain. Like physical health, mental wellness is not

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What Can I Expect During My First Year in Menopause?

Menopause marks the end of a person’s menstrual cycle and is a natural progression in the reproductive system of those with ovaries. Menopause symptoms typically start in middle age and depending on what stage of menopause you are in, your physical and mental symptoms will vary. Your first year of menopause will bring many changes,

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Potential Reasons Why Your Period Is Late

We are all aware of the most prominent reason why a woman’s period is late: a pregnancy. However, did you know that this is not the only reason? There are a number of sources for a delayed or even missed period. It is important to rule out a pregnancy of course, but this does not

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Five Things Women Need to Understanding About Having a Miscarriage

If you have had a miscarriage, you are not alone. However, because conversations about miscarriage can be so lacking, it may feel that way. Miscarriages are far more common than most people would guess, but because women do not always disclose that they’ve had a miscarriage, let alone talk about their feelings, it can seem

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Five Early Signs of Labor

Very few people know the day their babies will be born. Other than induced labor or planned C-sections, delivery dates remain elusive; they usually fall within 2 weeks of your due date, though sometimes earlier. The days leading up to your baby’s exact birthday contain fleeting indicators that labor is on the horizon; recognizing these

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What’s Happening to My Body During Menopause?

The end of a woman’s menstrual cycle, also known as menopause, is a natural progression in the reproductive system of those who ovulate. Menopause symptoms usually start in middle age, but everyone’s experience is different and begins at different ages. Depending on what stage of menopause you are in, your physical and mental symptoms will

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5 Things You Need to Know About Trying to Conceive (TTC)

If you’ve recently decided to grow your family or are planning on starting in the near future, it can be helpful to know a few things before/while getting started. Education about sex, procreation, ovulation, and menstruation can be lacking or not even present. Myths and misconceptions about getting pregnant are still widely spread. All this

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Women and World Mental Health Day

In general, mental health is not regarded as seriously as it should be. For many, their mental health tends to take a back seat. October 10th is World Mental Health Day, which provides us with a natural moment to reflect on mental health and provide strategies to help those who are struggling. As an OB/GYN

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